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Processes >>> Scientific Advertising

There is a way you can take the guesswork out of advertising. Unfortunately, it doesn't come from surveys, focus groups, reports or meetings. While those methods have their purposes, they can also be misleading.

What people say and think is rarely aligned with what they do. To paraphrase Mark Twain:

"There are two reasons people buy anything. The reason they say - and - the real reason."

Using the principles of Scientific Advertising, you take what has worked in the past, apply it to the new situation and test the results in the real world by tracking what people DO! Someone SAYING they would buy your product for $19.95 if it makes their skin baby-smooth and silky-soft... is not the same as... someone ACTUALLY taking out their hard-earned cash and handing it over to you.

Unfortunately, there will be many of you reading this who will say:

I get what you're saying but it doesn't apply this time.

ALL sales involve selling something to someone. Businesses don't buy products - people do (and for those of you thinking about automated systems and computer programs - people program them and tell them what to buy).

Sales is about people. What was true in 1923 remains true today. We have posted a complete PDF (538K) version of Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins. Please read it. Then read it again. You owe it to yourself.

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