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Processes >>> Measure

By measuring the effectiveness of your advertising piece:

You can laugh when you hear others complain about wasting money on marketing.

By designing ads that ask customers to perform some action, you can track their effectiveness... and... make your campaigns prove that they are worth the expense. You've just turned your advertising expenses into business investments!

There are several ways you can track ads, like:

  • Including special codes that allow the user an additional benefit if they let you know where they came from. For example: "Mention JKBedrin and get an additional 5% off!"
  • Directing customers to specially designed web pages
  • Including "keyed" coupons or post cards that must be redeemed

Once you've begun measuring your maketing campaigns, you'll know which pieces work and where they work best. You'll know when they have lost their effectiveness, and when to keep running them.

You won't be making decisions based on hunches... they'll be based on facts. So when you take a profitable ad, and try to make it better, you'll know when you have created an even bigger winner!


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